Monday, 30 January 2012

Blackburn Drop-in Session

Hi all

I will be running a drop-in session tomorrow (tus 31st jan) @ the Royal Blackburn Hospital, Pendleview Mental Health Unit, Day Room 2, between 1-3pm


Office Based Today

Hi all, I am office based today, so you can get me via email or mobile phone.


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Drop in Session


Details of drop in session for today.Hope to see some of you here.

10am-12 -Hepton House, Burnley
12.00 -2pm-Seminar Room 2, Park View Office, RBH

Please get in touch if you have any issues. Text us, email us or call us.

Kind regards,
Leena & Matthew

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Invite -Drop in Session

Hi All

Event - Drop in sesion for all 1st year students  (any branch, circuit or placement)
Date: 18th Jan, 2012
Time: 2pm to 4pm.
Venue: BB137 Uni campus.

Come and join. If you are facing problems at placement area, please get in touch with me or Matthew.

Best wishes,

Schedule re visits and drop-in sessions

Hi All,
  • Please check your uclan email.
  • A detailed schedule of our visit and drop-in sessions for 3 weeks has been sent out. The drop in sessions is open to all 1st years irrespective of branch, circuit or placement.
  • It was lovely to meet some of you yesterday in Burnley.
  • Today I will be in Blackburn area.
  • Tomorow I will be in Preston area in the morning.
Hope to see some more of you today and tomorrow.

Best wishes

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Visit to Wigan Circuit

We both are visiting the Wigan circuit tomorrow. See some of you then. An email has been sent out to all of you.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Hi all

How are your placements? Any issues?

if so, get in touch

Matthew & Leena

Sunday, 8 January 2012

placement preparation

Hi All,
Hope that all of you had a good break.
Hope that you are feeling ready for the REAL ACTION! Please visit the following link to read the latest version of 'Placement Prep Handbook'. It answers most of the FAQs.
Feel free to ask/inform one of us  if something is still bothering you.
Wishing you all A Very Good First Day at your practice placement area.

Good Luck.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Less than a week to go!

Hi all

Happy new year, I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holiday's. Have you all made contact with your placement areas?

If you have any problems, do not hesitate to get in touch with either of us.

We both have new mobile phones

Matthew 07816959626 